Alright on to the actual blog. I've decided to pick up where I left off with my fav/least fav movie list.
Favourite #39
I was introduced to Annie Hall in university by my now most trusted source for movie advice, (except when it comes to Star Wars Episode 2) my friend Greg. I must say I have to thank him for showing me easily the best romantic comedy of all time.
Rom-com is not a genre I easily enjoy. Then again, Annie Hall is a Woody Allen movie first and a romantic comedy second. Really, I don't even feel right saying its a romantic comedy, I feel like that demeans the picture. It's so much more than that, so much funnier and real than any stupid romantic comedy made in the last 20 years by far.
In this movie you find out a few things you may not have known.
a) Diane Keaton was once a real babe.
b) Woody Allen is truly hilarious and he hates L.A.
c) Christopher Walken is in this, and surprise! He plays a creep. (Ok I guess you might have known that but its the original creep performance from him, so it's real funny and not just kind of "meh" like some other Walken movies. Who by the way, I love, but really the guy will do anything.)
and finally
d) This movie contains the funniest parking/curb joke I've ever heard.
So in conclusion, if you haven't seen any Woody Allen movies and you can only see one, I'm pretty sure this is the one to watch. So do that. Also figure out why it is you can only watch one Woody Allen movie.
And if you watch and love Annie Hall, as you should, I strongly urge you to watch the following equally sick films by the Woodman:
Love & Death
Crimes & Misdemeanors
Hannah & Her Sisters
wow, thanks for the post, guy! thought you'd given up. i have annie hall on dvd at my place and have never watched it. but now i will.
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