"Oh you're not that big a nerd Andy,"
Oh yeah? The other night I used photoshop to create a silhouette-style image of Chewbacca holding two arms above his head that I plan to put on a t-shirt. That's not the coolest thing, but I'm pretty stoked about it.
So whatever, this sci-fi blog got me thinking though, what the hell is up with you real losers who aren't into Sci-fi? In case you didn't know, its the coolest.
To illustrate this, here's 5 things that are cool about science ficition, accompanied by pictures or videos whenever possible.
1. Jabba the Hutt
I'll try to not just make this a list of things in Star Wars, but really Jabba was definitely one of the first things that got me into Sci-Fi to begin with. Just the idea that there's this crazy slug man ruling a part of a desert planet is just plain wicked. Aside from the "how'd they do that?" (at the time) moment, it was the first time I'd seen a non-humanoid character that was actually engaging and had his own lines of meaningful dialogue. Plus he eats frogs!
2. Aliens
While Aliens in general are totally cool, here I'm referring specifically to the Alien movie series' aliens. I honestly still have nightmares about Ridley Scott's/James Cameron's Aliens. In fact, they are the main villain in any dream I have where I have superpowers. Probably the main coolness of Aliens comes from the fact that they are a faceless, EYELESS, efficient hunter. They make us humans feel like prey and anyone who's experienced de-evolving will tell you, feeling like prey is fucking scary. I say James Cameron's Aliens because his movie introduced the idea of the "Queen" alien, which (unlike with The Borg in Star Trek) added a whole layer of coolness and complexity to these wicked killer aliens that already have acid for blood and burst out of your chest and lay eggs with facehuggers and, and, and... Aliens are just the coolest.
3. Utopian Societies... with Klingons

One of the things about many science fiction stories that people always say they like is the idea of the utopian society. But really, like Agent Smith mentioned in The Matrix, utopian societies are boooo-riiing. That's why we need Klingons, or whatever disruptive element you can come up with for any given story to give it some purpose. Star Trek does it best by having Earth presented as a futuristic perfect place to live, with humans eliminating racism and hatred and there are no more wars. Then, once we venture into outer space, we have Klingons and Romulans and The Borg and whatever else. It's the idea that humans will eventually pull our shit together but still kick ass when the time comes.
4. Distopian Societies... with... dystopia?

What's better than a utopian, everything is peachy world where one or two things threaten to tear it apart? How about a world where everything is already crazy messed up and one or two guys try fixing everything? A haunting vision of a possible apocalyptic future doesn't sound interesting to you? Well, check out this list of sci-fi dystopian flicks to understand how popular this idea is within the genre. Maybe if you get into the idea of living a in a crazy fucked up world you won't think your job at boring offices inc. is so bad eh?:
I Robot
Soylent Green
Artificial intelligence: AI
Escape from New York
Day of the Dead
THX 1138
They live
War of the Worlds
Total Recall
Mad Max
V for Vendetta
Planet of the Apes
Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior
12 Monkeys
The Matrix
and last but not least, the reason I even mentioned this:
Blade Runner
Now go watch 3 of these movies and report back with your thoughts on the coolness of each.
5. Lightsabres

Just imagine all the things you could do if you had one.
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