Dawn/Day of the Dead : YES

I thought I'd start out with a bit of a surprising choice, so let's clear this up. I would like to live in a world infested with slow moving, kind of silly, and not-really-all-that-scary-considering-the-advancements-made-in-special-effects zombies for a day. Just as long as you keep your wits about you, keep your head on a swivel, have a shotgun handy at all times and never ever let bikers into your mall, you're cool to live in zombie world. Hell you could even go onto the roof and snipe zombos a la the remake!
Alien & Aliens: NO

By now you guys have heard me mention Ridley Scott's/James Cameron's Aliens quite a few times. That is because they are the baddest damn villains Science Fiction came up with ever since George Lucas ruined Darth Vader. As a result, you can count me out of first hand experiencing the steamy conditions at the Weyland-Yutani Facility infested with these acid-blooded chrome domes.
One time I had a dream that I could fly and beat the crap out of anything a la Neo in the Matrix. In this dream, I was killing waves of agents until they all turned into Aliens. In my own dream I couldn't handle the aliens so I flew away only to discover they had taken over all of New York City and then a giant flaming wall was heading directly for me so I woke up. Yeah, that amazing dream took a real shit-turn, thanks guys.
Predator 1 & 2: YES

I may have balked at hanging out with Ripley and a bunch of shithead aliens, but I will not turn down my chance to hang out with Danny Glover and a ship full of Predators. In fact, hanging out with Arnold while a Predator is hunting us doesn't sound that bad either. I'll just rock that mud trick the whole time and spectate. Pure spectates. But seriously, the predators seem like a bunch of alright guys. If I ever met a predator I would ask about what life is like back on their predator planet - like what are the predators who have menial, factory jobs like? You can't tell me every predator is a hunter. Someone had to make and sell those fancy predator shoes you're wearin' pal. Are some predators depressed? I'd be up for trying to cheer up a sad predator.
Waterworld: NO
I'm just not interested in floating around on a raft with Kevin Costner all day drinking my own pee.
Star Trek: First Contact: YES

Sure the Borg are crazy scary future tech-zombies, but come on, who's really going to turn down a possible life of having one of the rooms in your spaceship-house be a holodeck?
Just a few non-sexual examples of what i would do with a Holodeck:
- Play in every major sports' championship game for my favourite teams
- Fight with lightsabres
- Be a cowboy
- Play a concert with Bruce Springsteen, Beethoven & Bill Clinton called "Andy & The Fabulous B's" even though I don't know how to play a musical instrument at all (pure holodeck that lacking talent man!)
- punch Paul Walker in the face
Blade Runner: NO

If you haven't watched Blade Runner in a while I urge you to do so, not only because it's a great movie but I want you to count the number of times steam is expelled from something and any time a piece of garbage blows across the screen. For bonus points, count the number of times you just see parts of the street on fire! Thanks, but my preferred future-city at least has a thing where we don't like our streets to just be randomly burning.
Oh, and what's with Deckard's apartment? Clean up a little, dude. Especially if you're having girls over - I don't care if they ARE super enhanced cyborgs, they aren't impressed with your dirty space-cutlery and Arby's future-wrappers man.
Cloverfield: YES

Cloverfield is a piece of garbage movie about a bunch of purely unlikable characters in the midst of a Godzilla-esque monster attack on New York City. It follows this pack of shitty hipster/too cool for school Hollywood-type bozos in an attempt to get you to care for them and their relationships. Its here where Cloverfield accidentally does something right, (Spoiler Alert!) Every last one of these idiots gets killed by the monster. It's the best, and if it's what J.J. Abrams was trying to do then I think he's a genius.
In relation to this whole thing, I suppose I'm saying that I'm way into a world where a giant monster kills a bunch of yuppie idiots on a crazy rampage through a major city. As long as I'm either friends with the monster or watching from a comfortable distance. Preferrably friends.
The Little Mermaid: NO

The idea that there's this secret race of Mer-people living UNDER THE SEA who have a suspicious distrust for humans puts me on edge, man. I just don't like it.
I would feel like the mer-people could attack any moment, riding huge unkown sea beasts, (because really, if we didn't know there was a mer-race I bet we didn't know there were huge sea-beasts) weilding unknown mer-guns created with tidal-technology.
Plus, mermaid are hot and all, but they're like, half fish man. What are you gonna do with that?
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